
Over time your shower heads might get rusty, the showerhead can get damaged or just wear out. If this happens it’s time to replace the old shower head with a new shower head. In this Plumbing How To we will show you how to change a shower head and what to look for when you want to buy a new shower head.
Removing the Shower Head
Before you remove the old shower head make sure that the faucets are turned off, otherwise the water will end up everywhere. When your faucets are turned off and they function correctly, it is not necessary to turn off the water main.
Remove the old shower head using a wrench, turn the neck of the shower head counter-clockwise. If your shower head has not been replaced or unscrewed for a long time, then it could well be corroded and you will need to apply a little more force.
Remove Possible Debris
Before you attach the new shower head onto the threaded pipe remove any excess dirt or debris there may be. After that you will need to apply some teflon tape.
Apply Teflon Tape
Take a good look at the pipes threading to see how much teflon tape you will need. You need to wrap enough tape around the pipes threads covering them completely with a layer of 2-3 wraps. Starting at the base of the thread, move up wrapping clockwise each wrap covering about half of the previous layer of tape. DO NOT wrap in a counter clockwise direction, the teflon tape will come off when you screw the new shower head on.
Attaching the new Shower Head
Make sure that you have read the instruction in the manual of your shower head, some shower heads do not require you to use a wrench to screw the shower head onto the pipe. If that is the case you can just screw the shower head on using your hands and tighten it, otherwise wrap the neck of the shower head in a soft cloth and using a wrench screw the shower head on in a clockwise direction.
That’s it your new shower head should now be installed. To make sure that is is securely connected to the pipe, direct the shower head towards a wall and turn on both the hot and cold water faucets. If you see any water leaking out from your newly created connection it will mean that the showerhead is not tightened enough. Use the cloth and wrench to fasten it some more.
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