Submitted by USA Plumbing on

Most plumbers can tell you that tree roots are the most common cause of most blocked drains, but roots aren't always what is causing the blockage of your plumbing system. During some sewer cleaning jobs the most surprising items get pulled out of the blocked sewer drains.
Some of the unexpected things that plumbers find are:
- plastic dolls including stylish Barbie and Ken dolls,
- tennis-balls and other rubber balls,
- beer cans and cold drink cans, and
- building material, like mortar and blocks of wood.
How do those solid objects get into the drains
Your children are often the blame for these drain problems, because child's toys definitely top the list. But for the rest, it’s mostly just p laziness – and sometimes even due to vandalism, nasty characters inserting foreign objects into the system to cause problems for cafe's and restaurants or simply just people they don’t like.
The idea certain characters just running around popping toys and other foreign objects into drains is enough to get most people shaking their heads. Nonetheless, this is what the plumbers find! So how could it happen if it isn’t deliberate?
Let’s go back to the young mother with a child that managed to fit a toy down into their toilet. They had no idea there was a toy inside the system until the toilet became fully clogged. When they realized it was blocked, they plunged and plunged but ended up calling a plumber to fix it.
What about solid objects that get into the drain from outside
It doesn’t even always happen via the toilet bowl and pipes and drains that connect to it. Sometimes it happens outside. Balls, for instance, generally get thrown about the garden, and if sewer drain covers are not securely in place, balls can easily get into the drain. Chuck a ball around the garden and it will find a hole to roll into! If it leads to a drain, you’re done.
Cans can also roll, but more often than not they probably find their way into drains with the help of people. So too when it comes to building material, although this may be more likely to be the result of good old sloppiness, which isn’t good at all!
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