
Five Advantages of Programmable Thermostat In Your Home

Five Advantages of Programmable Thermostat In Your Home

Home owners who install programmable thermostat in their home have found that the control system has several benefits. The control system is easy to install and cost effective and will give you the options you need to regulate the temperature in your home while you are at home or away. Below are five advantages that home owners have when using a programmable thermostat.

Using Less Energy

With a programmable thermostat, your HVAC unit will be using less energy. Since you have the ability to preset the temperature for both night and day, you will be able to use less heat or cool air while you are away or asleep. This means you will use less energy but still enjoy the comforts of home and you will find that your utility bill is lower each and every month!

Temperature Control Service Educates Homeowners on Getting the Best Performance from an HVAC System

Temperature Control Service HVAC System

Irmo, SC (PRWEB) October 09, 2012 -- Temperature Control Service, a leading HVAC repair company in Irmo, South Carolina, recently provided several key tips for homeowners who are looking to maintain their own heating system and ensure that their heater is working properly throughout the winter. For homeowners who are not able to perform the recommended maintenance, Temperature Control Service provides routine maintenance services, in addition to their usual repair and replacement services.

Flush More with Less: American Standard Blends Maximum Toilet Performance with Water Efficiency

American Standard Maximum Toilet Performance

PISCATAWAY, N.J.(July 19, 2012) — First American Standard flushed the competition with the Champion 4 toilet and its widest waterways in the industry.

Now comes the Champion 4 MAX, a WaterSense-certified, high efficiency toilet (HET) that uses 20 percent less water than standard toilets, yet still attains the highest possible rating in the Maximum Performance (MaP) test — an independent report of toilet bulk removal performance.

The Champion 4 MAX, as well as the new Cadet 3 Décor HET, can successfully flush 1,000 grams (2.2 pounds) of solid waste without clogging.

Even on just 1.28 gallons of water per flush.

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