Heat Exchanger Technologies

Brazetek to Offer STX Series of Titanium Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers

Brazetek to Offer STX Series of Titanium Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers

New York (PRWEB) February 16, 2013 -- Brazetek.com, a manufacturer and online distributor of heat exchangers for residential, commercial, and industrial applications has announced today that the company added a new product line to its already existing selection of heat exchangers.

The statement issued by Brazetek states that the new product line consists of STX Series Titanium Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers and it will be available to its customers on Brazetek’s website together with already popular ST Series (Stainless Steel Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers).

Brazetek.com to Offer Complimentary Shipping on Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers and All Other Heat Exchangers During 2013

Brazetek.com Offer Complimentary Shipping on Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers

New York, NY (PRWEB) December 17, 2012  -- Brazetek.com, leading internet retailer and distributor of brazed plate heat exchangers, has announced the extension of its free shipping promotion for another year. The New York based company has issued a statement saying that "Brazetek.com is set to renew its’ "free shipping on all orders" promotion, which is set to expire on December 31st 2012. The offer is being extended until December 31st 2013."

The company's management also states that "due to current economic conditions in the United States as well as the program's popularity among our customers, we feel that its imperative that we continue to offer our buyers the advantage of extra savings by not paying for shipping"

Frost & Sullivan: Heat Exchanger Technologies Witness Strong Uptake on the Back of Growing Awareness of Energy Conservation

Frost & Sullivan: Heat Exchanger Technologies

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Feb. 28, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Although no significant developments have taken place in the field of heat exchangers, various improvements have been observed in aspects such as material or working fluid selection, design and distribution. Cumulatively, such incremental changes have intensified the spotlight on energy efficiency and energy conservation. With growing awareness of energy consumption and the widening gap between energy generation and consumption, steps have been taken to improve performance of existing heat exchangers, especially in heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) applications. For instance, replacing aluminum tubes with copper could help reduce the overall cost of the heat exchanger without significantly affecting its thermodynamic performance.

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