February 2012

Breathe Green & Easy: Pro Energy Consultants Launches Breathe Green & Easy Homeowner Education Campaign Promoting Indoor Air Quality Awareness

Pro Energy Consultants

Cleveland, Ohio (PRWEB) February 01, 2012 -- It’s been played out several times in movies and commercials: that moment a person steps into their home after a long day, and they invoke a sense of calm and comfort that is marked by a long, deep, relaxing breath. However, most people don’t realize that deep breath can include unseen toxins that are harmful to your health! During the month of February, Pro Energy Consultants will be educating consumers and communities on how to make sure their home is the safe breathing environment it should be. Pro Energy is also running a contest, entering those who share a story about poor air quality in their home into a random drawing for a $250 gift card to Lowe’s Home Improvement stores.

Solar Distributor Session Solar Announces The Launch Of Sessionsolar.com Website

Session Solar Website

Scotts Valley, CA (PRWEB) February 01, 2012 -- Session Solar, a leading wholesale distributor of solar photovoltaic (PV) products, today announced the launch of their new and improved website: www.sessionsolar.com. The site features a new design with a fresh look, and is more focused on the needs of solar installers and contractors. The site highlights the innovative Creotecc clampless solar mounting system through a multimedia experience using video, stills and a photo gallery. Users can also choose tabs offering a wide range of services from wholesale solar products, comprehensive project support and technical support documents.

MojoPages Announces Best Plumbers In The U.S.

Best Plumbers In The U.S.

San Diego, CA (PRWEB) February 01, 2012 -- MojoPages has announced the top plumbers in cities around the United States. Each week, this Yellow Pages website concludes a contest for a specific business category, with a total of 52 categories in all. MojoPages allows users to search and vote for businesses in their city, giving each business a ranking within their category.

While users have one year to vote for their favorite business, competition tends to ramp up during the final weeks. On January 28th, the final votes were cast for Best Plumber, with nominations coming from cities such as San Diego, Los Angeles, Detroit and Chicago. The votes have been cast and the winners have been announced.

Five Years Later, Heat-Line Corporation’s Pumper Tank Freeze Protection System Still Going Strong

Heat-Line Freeze Protection System

Carnarvon, Ontario (PRWEB) February 02, 2012 -- It has been more than five years since Chief Blair Arthur of the Municipality of Shuniah Fire Department contacted Heat-Line Corporation (http://www.heatline.com), a Canadian company that specializes in state of the art freeze protection solutions, looking for help with a serious and potentially dangerous problem that plagues fire departments in places where temperatures fall below freezing. Chief Arthur wanted to find a way to keep his department’s fire trucks, pumper tanks and portable pumps from freezing during the cold winter months in Shuniah, a northern Ontario community located near Thunder Bay. Within days of being contacted, Heat-Line had developed a freeze protect solution called the Arthur Heater Kompensator, named after Fire Chief Arthur. Five years later, the chief is still impressed with how well the product works.

PexUniverse.coms to Add Electric Radiant Heating Supplies to Its Extensive Array of Heating Products

PexUniverse.coms Radiant Heating Supplies

New York, NY (PRWEB) February 02, 2012 -- PexUniverse.com, a premier online retailer of plumbing and heating supplies, has announced the addition of new, electricity powered, radiant heating product lines, which will be available for sale through company’s website starting January 31, 2012.

A statement issued by the company’s management states that, “When it comes to hydronic heating products, such as PEX Tubing, PexUniverse.com has already become a destination of choice for home owners and contractors alike. We’re excited to be able to further serve our customer’s needs by offering 3 unique lines of electric radiant heating products.”

Wallo™ Spring-loaded Round Ceiling/Wall Access Panels Run Circles Around The Competition; Unique Circular Access Panels Snap In, Pop Out Easily, Match Any Home Decor

Wallo access panel

Madison, WI (PRWEB) February 03, 2012 -- Gvardia LLC is raising the ceiling on home improvement convenience with Wallo™ (http://www.theWallo.com) round ceiling access panels for drywall ceilings and walls. Featuring patent-pending spring-loaded clips and unique round panel design, the first-of-its-kind Wallo™ makes panel installation -- and removal –- a snap. Wallo’s simple, clean, classic round design looks like finished drywall, matching perfectly with a wide variety of decorating styles. Wallo™ round ceiling/wall access panels are available exclusively through http://www.CeilingAccess.com.

Duratec Compressed Air Piping System is Fast to install, Easy to Modify, Lightweight, and Re-Useable.

E-Compressor Compressed Air Piping System

Saint Louis, MO (PRWEB) February 03, 2012 -- Duratec® Air-Line is a new innovative compressed air piping product that uniquely combines all of the benefits of plastic and metal in one pipe. Duratec® Air-Line a lightweight, clean, non-corroding compressed air and inert gas distribution system.

E-Compressor offers starter kits for the DIY market that include all fittings, pipe, tools, and phone support during installation. Home air compressor installation has never been easier. A complete overview of the product line with technical details can be seen at http://www.e-compressor.com

"Discover Ductless" Campaign Encouraged Homeowners to try Efficient Ductless Heating and Cooling Systems

Ductless Heating and Cooling Systems

PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 2, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA), in collaboration with regional utilities, including Seattle City Light, today announced the winner of the $10,000 grand prize in its Discover Ductless campaign. The campaign, sponsored by Mitsubishi Electric, launched on September 27, 2011, encouraged homeowners to upgrade their inefficient electric heating with ductless heating and cooling systems. These systems heat and cool at a fraction of the cost of electric baseboard and wall heaters, typically saving homeowners 25 to 50 percent on heating bills. Via a random drawing from more than 1,400 entrants, Seattle City Light customer Ross Daniel was awarded $10,000 for participating in the campaign.

Greenstar Home Services Offers Expert Energy Star Tankless Water Heater Advice to Orange County and Long Beach Home Owners

Greenstar Tankless Water Heater

Long Beach, CA (PRWEB) February 04, 2012 -- Greenstar Home Services specializes in eco-friendly and environmentally friendly products and services for the home. Greenstar has many different options when it comes to tankless water heater systems. Tankless water heaters heat the water you need, when you need it. Turning any water source into hot water on demand.

You are not limited to the amount a storage tank heater can hold. Whether you are washing the dishes, washing your clothes, or drawing a hot bath, Rinnai's tankless water heater technology will supply endless hot water to your lifestyle demands-even if you do them all at once!

SinksGallery.com — A Virtual Design Center for Extraordinary Interiors

SinksGallery.com sink merchant

Langley, WA (PRWEB) February 05, 2012  --  SinksGallery.com, a specialty sink merchant offering unique, high-quality artisan crafted kitchen, bathroom, and bar sinks, announced the launch of their new website today.

To mark the official launch of the newly redesigned website, SinksGallery.com is offering free shipping on many more sinks than ever before. See website for more details on the free shipping offer.

"Our website’s new layout provides homeowners and kitchen and bathroom designers with an extensive library of photos showing various sink styles, colors, sizes and unique materials. We wanted to create an inspirational showroom gallery of artisan sinks to make it easy for individuals that have an appreciation for great design, and who desire a kitchen or bathroom beyond the standard run of the mill options,” said Jack Healy, president of ArtisanCrafted.com, the parent company of Sinks Gallery.

Hurst Boiler Launches New Website

Hurst Boiler Website

Coolidge, Ga. (PRWEB) February 06, 2012 -- Hurst Boiler & Welding co., Inc.., the leading manufacturer of energy-efficient boilers and boiler room solutions, announces the launch of its newly enhanced corporate website at http://www.hurstboiler.com . HurstBoiler.com has always served as a destination for comprehensive information related to boilers, boiler systems, integrated controls, manufacturing, renewable energy and energy efficiency. The new site includes richer product pages that can be easily accessed by application or need.

New Noritz Condensing Tankless Water Heater Offers Higher Efficiencies, Longer Vent Runs for Smaller Applications

Noritz Condensing Tankless Water Heater

FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CALIF. (JANUARY 5, 2012)Noritz has expanded its ecoTOUGH™ Series of gas-fired residential condensing tankless water heaters with the new NRC83, an ENERGY STAR®-rated unit designed for smaller homes and multi-family dwellings. Available in both indoor (the two-pipe, direct vent NRC83-DV) and outdoor (NRC83-OD) models, the new wall-mounted units have an energy factor (EF) of 0.92 for natural gas and 0.94 with liquid propane – approximately 30 points higher than a standard, storage tank-type, gas-fired water heater.